Complaint Procedures – 29 CFR §§ 29.5(b)(22), 29.7(k), 29.12, and 29 CFR § 30.14

If an applicant or an apprentice believes an issue exists that adversely affects the apprentice’s participation in the apprenticeship program or violates the provisions of the apprenticeship agreement or standards, the applicant or apprentice may seek relief.  Nothing in these complaint procedures precludes an apprentice from pursuing any other remedy authorized under another Federal, State, or local law. Below are the methods by which apprentices may send a complaint:

Complaints regarding discrimination.  Complaints must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and signature, the identity of the respondent, and a short description of the actions believed to be discriminatory, including the time and place.  Generally, a complaint must be filed within 300 days of the alleged discrimination. Complaints of discrimination should be directed to the following contact:


U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship

200 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC  20210

Telephone Number:  (202) 693-2796

Email Address: 

Point of Contact:  Director, Division of Registered Apprenticeship and Policy

Attn:  Apprenticeship EEO Complaints

You may also be able to file complaints directly with the EEOC, or State fair employment practices agency.


Other General Complaints.  The sponsor will hear and attempt to resolve the matter locally if written notification from the apprentice is received within 15 days of the alleged violation(s). The sponsor will make such rulings as it deems necessary in each individual case within 30 days of receiving the written notification:

Name: Raquel Pinderhughes

Address: P.O. Box 2693, Berkeley, CA 94702

Telephone Number: (510) 470-0803

Email Address: