Job Training and Reentry

Roots of Success is the foundation of many workforce development programs. Roots of Success is used in job training and reentry programs throughout the country, serving youth and adults who have been failed by the education system and/or face barriers to employment.

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Roots of Success...

  • Engages students and focuses on student success
  • Develops communication, scientific inquiry, critical thinking, and problem solving skills
  • Frames environmental issues in relation to employment opportunities
  • Promotes professional behavior
  • Familiarizes students with 150+ green jobs and career pathways

Key Features:

  • Graduates earn a Certificate
  • Includes Instructor’s Manual, Student Workbooks, Multimedia Content, Supplemental Resources
  • Ongoing technical assistance for instructors
  • Green Jobs & Career Pathways Guidebook
  • Modular and Adaptable

Roots of Success integrates environmental literacy with job readiness to prepare youth and adults for jobs and careers in the green economy.

What Students Say:


feel more prepared for a job interview


feel more comfortable talking about environmental issues

What Instructors Say:


familiarized and prepared participants for green jobs and career pathways


say it motivated students to conserve resources

Roots of Success makes an impact at the individual, organizational, and institutional level.

“Roots of Success gave me inspiration, guidance, and the know how to navigate towards where and what I want to be.”

Nathan Duran

Adult Education Program Coordinato, Community Housing Partnership, SF

“Roots gave me my passions and it drew me to environmental work. Otherwise I probably would not care, or even really know about environmental issues. Roots of Success made it relatable. It feels like it was written for underserve communities and I don’t feel like I’m being discriminated against for that reason.”

Tina Addi

Project Assistant, Cascadia Consulting, SF

“Employers who hire Roots of Success graduates are increasingly choosing them over candidates who have not taken the course. The curriculum provides a competitive advantage that helps employees and companies achieve their goals.”

Kay O’Neill

Director of Workforce Development, Cañada College

Reentry Programs

Roots of Success is accessible to those with limited education and inspires previously incarcerated individuals to create positive change in their communities after release.

“After 14 years of incarceration, this curriculum gave me the tools needed to be employable in the green industry. Now I’m building healthy communities and saving people money. Roots of Success was a major part in this powerful transformation.”

Lawrence Harris

Program Operations Manager, Green City Force, NYC

Roots of Success is giving people reentering the workforce the confidence they need to achieve their goals.

How it Works

Get Trained to Teach the Curriculum

One-day training that introduces instructors to our unique teaching approach and materials.


Order Books for Your Program

Provide students with all of the vocabulary terms, exercises, activities, and materials they need for the course


Start Teaching Roots of Success

Instructors are provided with ongoing technical and program support

Provide Graduates with a Certificate

Graduates receive a certificate that is valued by employers across the country.

Why Programs Need Roots of Success

Each year more than ten million unemployed and under-employed adults enroll in job training and re-entry programs with hopes of gaining the knowledge and skills they need to access family-supporting career pathways. Programs working with this population benefit greatly from resources like Roots of Success that enhance their capacity to serve these participants effectively and well. Roots of Success is helping workforce training programs prepare youth and adults with significant barriers to employment for careers in the green economy.

Asian Neighborhood Design’s Employment Training Center in San Francisco, CA uses the Roots of Success curriculum to ensure that their graduates have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become “ambassadors of green” in the construction field, and to also share that information with friends, family, and other people in their community.

Jerry McDaniels is also a graduate of the Employment Training Center at Asian Neighborhood Design. He was a part of the last cohort to graduate from the program in October of 2012 and looks forward to putting the knowledge and skills he gained through the course into practice as he reenters the labor market.

Schedule a Training

If you are interested in hosting a Roots of Success training for your staff, follow the link to schedule a training today.

Order Books

Click to order Roots of Success Student Workbooks, Green Jobs & Career Pathways Guidebooks, or other materials.

Contact Us

Interested in learning more about implementing Roots of Success? Contact us using the form below or via phone at (510) 470-0803.