Updated versions of The Green Jobs & Career Pathways Guidebooks
The Green Jobs & Career Pathways Guidebooks use Bureau of Labor (BLS) statistics and employment data to describe 70 jobs and 111 career pathways.
Volume One of the “Roots of Success Green Jobs and Career Pathways Guidebook” provides information about green jobs in six sectors: Water, Waste, Transportation, Energy, Building, and Food sectors. The jobs we describe in the Guidebook are essential to the production, distribution, consumption and management of goods and services that benefit the environment, improve people’s health, conserve natural resources, and/or advance environmental and justice. The majority of the jobs described in Volume One do not require job applicants and employees to have a college degree, although we do include information on how individuals working in these jobs can progress into other jobs and careers with additional job training and educational opportunities.
Volume Two focuses on jobs and careers that require advanced training, usually acquired in a community college or university setting. Most of these jobs would be characterized by labor market analysts as “white-collar jobs” and are divided into employment opportunities in environmental fields within these 10 categories: Administration, Finance, Human Resources, Legal, Sales and Marketing, Engineering, Physical and Life Sciences, Communications, Policy and Planning Analysis, Computer Technology, and Design & Architecture.

I received the Guidebook today and it is gorgeous! The layout is eye appealing and easy to follow, and the information is detailed enough to be informative, but not cumbersome. Kudos to your diligent work and we are looking forward to using this resource with our career training programming!