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Improving The Lives Of Men And Women Experiencing Incarceration

“I am serving a life sentence, and having meaningful and purposeful programs keeps me alive. I earned a college education in here, learned to garden, work with honeybees, and how to work well with others. Roots of Success has been a very good program that incorporates useful info and positive interaction with others. Thank you for offering it to us.”

– Roots of Success graduate

Front And Centering Those Most Impacted By Environmental Injustice

“Roots of Success classes provide an opportunity for us to weave thoughtfully between personal experiences and systemic problems, and to talk not only about our fears and anxieties but also about what needs to be done to improve the systems that impact our lives.”

– Cyril Walrond, Roots of Success graduate, instructor, master trainer, and board member


Launching Purpose-Driven Careers

“I work full time facilitating classes at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution in various subjects, including teaching the Roots of Success course, and I get compensated for my work. Through this work and discussion, I have slowly come to realize that curriculum design is a passion of mine. Over the past three years I have designed a plant disease diagnosis course for a food justice organization in Portland and an arborist certification study course for people in DOC custody.”


-Patrick Romney-Gazeley, Roots of Success graduate and instructor


Inspiring The Next Generation Of Environmental Leaders

“I am in a better position and prepared for many of the green jobs that will be created as we move into the future. The part about how to write resumes and also how to prepare for and answer interview questions was particularly helpful. I feel more confident to apply for green jobs. My career goal is to work in an organization or sector that helps disadvantaged and low-income groups and individuals have equal access to economic, environmental, and social resources. I am looking forward to combining my knowledge and skills with those I learned in this program and taking advantage of the many opportunities in the green economy.”


– Nonyerem Ibiam, Roots of Success graduate