Roots of Success Online
The new online version of Roots of Success is user friendly, easy to navigate, and allows individuals to take the course with a computer, tablet, or mobile device, and without an instructor present. The online version includes all 10 modules of the Roots of Success course. Individuals can take one or more of the 10 modules, and students receive a Certificate for each module they complete. Contact us to learn more about implementing the Roots of Success online course in your program.
- Take the course from your desktop, tablet, or mobile device
- Easy to navigate, user friendly content controls
- Includes a multiple-choice exam at the end of each module
- Certificates issued for each module completed
- Student pre test helps teachers evaluate student growth
- Automatically save your progress, pick up right where you left off
- Flexible access to content so students can review content on their own schedule
- Multimedia content includes videos and audio annotations for all content
Printable Description
Click for a one page PDF description of the course.
Existing Students
You can use the button below to access the online course if you are already registered as a student. By enrolling, you consent to our Terms of Use.
Note: if you have not already enrolled in the Online Course with RoS, the platform will allow you to make an account, but will not allow you to enroll in the course.
Note: We do not currently offer the online course to individuals from the general public. Rather, Roots of Success partners with organizations to be delivered under instructor supervision within an existing program. For a list of programs in your area that offer Roots of Success, visit our About page. In the future Roots of Success may begin offering the online course to individual users unaffiliated with a partner program; if you are interested in possibly being contacted about this, please fill out the interest survey below.
Roots of Success is used in job training programs, youth programs, reentry programs, prisons, jails, juvenile facilities, and high schools throughout the nation.

Increases Academic Skills:
feel more motivated in educational settings
are more comfortable taking tests
Increases Professional Skills:
more prepared for job interviews
more knowledgeable about green career pathways
Roots of Success makes an impact at the individual, organizational, and institutional level.
“I found the modules to be fun and interactive. Your lectures made a believer out of me and I plan to educate and pass the word along, letting my family and friends know that our planet and our pollution situation is getting worse by the day. When it comes to the career part of the modules, all of them are very helpful, but the one that caught my attention is the solar panel installation. I would like to be able to learn more about hat particular trade because we are making money and helping the environment at the same time. I am currently incarcerated for a traffic offense, but I plan to make a change for myself and help our environment by joining a local group in my area.”
“When I first found out about the Roots of Success class, I was ready to sign up immediately. I just couldn’t wait to learn new things about the environment and jobs that help out different communities all over the world. I’ve always been interested in environmental activities and the things I can do to help my community become a better place to live in. During the course, I took notes on the green jobs that interest me the most. I feel solar installer and recycling sorter fit me the best because they include hands on work and help out the environment in many different ways. When I get released from jail, I will make sure I inform my friends and family about this wonderful program and all the green jobs that are out there for them. Thank you so much for creating a program like this, it was extremely helpful. I learned a lot from this course; I feel my mind is opened up so much more now.”
How it Works
A unique signup code is sent to each student.
Signup Code
Individual students enter their code on the Roots of Success registration site.
Sign In
Once registered, individual students sign in using email and password.
Take the Course
Students go through modules on their own. Pause and return to content at your own pace. All progress saved on the platform.
Contact Us
If you are interested in learning more and would like an in-depth presentation on the Roots of Success online version, reach out to us via email below or at (510) 470-0803.