Instructor Training
All instructors who will teach the curriculum will participate in a one-day training workshop. This is a one-time training for a lifetime instructor certification, priced to meet the budget of all programs.
Our “Train the Instructor” training introduces instructors to our unique pedagogical approach and teaching materials, provides them with an opportunity to teach the Roots of Success curriculum and explore how they can most effectively integrate the curriculum into their program or classroom. The training can be conducted in-person or online. It is required for experienced teachers as well as individuals with no teaching experience or subject-area expertise.

After completing the training, instructors gain access to:

Technical Support

Multimedia Content

Community of Practice
Access to a nationwide network, as well as online Teacher Platform to share best practices and access online resources.

Customized Versions for Different Populations

Supplemental Materials
Schedule a Train the Instructor Training
In order to ensure consistent learning outcomes for students, all Roots of Success instructors must be trained and certified before teaching the course. This professional development opportunity introduces instructors to our unique pedagogy and teaching materials, and provides them with opportunities to practice teaching Roots of Success. We offer direct support and guidance on engaging at-risk youth and managing classroom dynamics, in addition to helping staff develop a plan to integrate the curriculum into their programs. There are no prerequisites to becoming an instructor and our staff provides full-time technical and instructional support once you begin teaching your first class.
Trainings are held regionally on an as-needed basis, and available in-person (we come to you!) or via online video conference (flexible to your schedule). Contact us for pricing. Training and certification are a one-time step; no further or continuing training is needed for instructors. Once certified, instructors can teach any and all customized versions of Roots of Success.
- Comprehensive one-day training
- Teaching materials and certification included
- Cost based on number of participants
- Cost can be shared by programs and attendees