In February 2022 we had the good fortune to train three new Roots of Success instructors who work with Mile High Youth Corps in Denver, Colorado — Nathan Edge, Demetrius Parker, and Samantha Mooney. Mile High Youth Corps brings young people from diverse life experiences together to learn, work hard, and grow in service to community, the environment, and their own development. Their 30 year strong program provides youth with meaningful work focused on land and energy & water conservation; healthcare and construction career pathways. MHYC offers free energy and water services to nonprofits and income-qualifying homes in metro Denver, saving households an average of $250 annually on utility bills. Energy & Water Conservation Corpsmembers perform energy assessments, which include free upgrades that reduce energy and water consumption to lower the costs of utility bills. Upgrades and installation include free LED lightbulbs, high-efficiency showerheads and sink aerators, programmable thermostats, CO detectors, and even ultra-high efficiency toilets in some locations.
New Instructors Certified at Mile High Youth Corps’ Energy & Water Conservation Program
by Yung Tang | Feb 28, 2022 | Recent Trainings/Certifications