Roots of Success has been used at Toltecalli High School in Tucson, Arizona as part of their multi-year sustainability project. The curriculum helps teachers at Toltecalli connect students to the environmental education of their program through content that is relevant to students’ experiences growing up in Southern Arizona. Roots of Success aligns well with the missions of Toltecalli High School’s sustainability project by providing students with an opportunity to:
- Learn about the importance of producing and consuming locally
- Envision a sustainable local food system
- Think about how local businesses can increase health and food access in their communities, and
- Study the sustainable food, agriculture, and public health sectors.
Students report that Roots of Success has a major impact on their lives, and they have taken on a variety of impressive and impactful community projects after completing the course — like building organic gardens in the South side of the city of Tucson. Below is an awesome student produced video about the Service Learning Projects that Toltecalli High School students took on during the 2011-2012 school year. Look out for students going through Roots of Success at 0:58, 1:58, and 4:38!!
Partnering with Toltecalli High School has been an overwhelming success and we hope to continue working with them to train Roots of Success instructors and institutionalize the curriculum in the school and Southern Arizona community.