We are thrilled to let you know that we have updated the online version of Roots of Success!

The updated online version is extremely user friendly, easy to navigate, and allows individuals to take Roots of Success directly online with a computer, tablet, or phone without an instructor present. The online version includes all 10 modules of the Roots of Success program. Individuals receive a Certificate for each module they complete, and can take one or more modules.



  • Take the course from your desktop, tablet, or mobile device
  • Easy to navigate, user friendly content controls
  • Includes a multiple-choice exam at the end of each module
  • Certificates issued for each module completed
  • Student pre test helps teachers evaluate student growth
  • Automatically save your progress, pick up right where you left off
  • Flexible access to content so students can review content on their own schedule
  • Instructors can monitor each student’s progress
The cost of the online course per student is the same as the cost of the in-person course per student.
If programs want to offer a hybrid model of instruction, they can purchase both the Student Workbook and a unique onboarding code for each student which provides students with the option to take the ROS modules in person and online. Visit rootsofsuccess.org/ros-online or contact us for more information.